Customer Testimonials

What Our Clients Say About Our Commercial Bounce Houses & Water Slides For Sale

At BounceWave Inflatables Sales, we pride ourselves in partnering with our clients and taking a vested interest in their success. CLICK HERE for more reviews on inflatable bounce houses & water slides for sale.

“Just picked up another unit from bounce wave! Can’t wait to add more to our inventory in the future! Give Chris a call! He’s been great anytime I’ve had questions, rather I was purchasing or not!”

Megen Cooper
Fun In The Sun Inflatables Inc.

“I have been in business for over 7 years now and have purchased many inflatables from just about every company out there. I made my first purchase in January 2020. Since my first purchase, I have now bought 20+ units from BounceWave. The thing I love about BounceWave is the quality of the units. The staff is always great too. The owner, Jason, knows about the inflatable business and is always great to learn from.”

Jamie Schluckebier
Spring Forward Inflatables

“Best customer service in the industry! High-quality inflatables! BounceWave has taken our business to the next level. We have purchased over 40 inflatables and will continue purchase with Jason and Blaine as long as we are in business. The quality and detail that goes into each inflatable is by far the best I have ever seen.

Heather Castellanos
Castellanos Bounce Houses