Apply For Financing Today!

About Our Financing Options

BounceWave Inflatable Sales is proud to partner with Professional Leasing Source, Inc. (PLS) for all of your financing needs.
PLS has long-standing relationships with many banks that are willing to extend credit to a wide variety of lessees. They offer great lease options available to long-standing businesses and owners with excellent credit and other options available for new business and lessees with credit challenges.
PLS is family owned and known in the industry for their promptness and dedication to customer service. In many cases, applicants will be notified of their financing options within one business day! Click the button below to get your application started.

Financing Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Qualify?

Probably! PLS has long-standing relationships with many banks that are willing to extend credit to a wide variety of lessees. We have great lease options available to long-standing businesses and owners with excellent credit and other options available for new business and lessees with credit challenges. If you have any questions, please contact us today!

How Do I Start The Process?

1. Select the equipment that best serves your needs.
2. Apply for credit by clicking the Application Link above.
3. In 2-4 hours you will be notified of your application status.
4. Once approved, PLS will authorize BounceWave to ship your equipment or reach out to you with next steps.

What Are The Benefits of Financing BounceWave Products?

1. Leasing allows a business owner to keep capital free for investment or other business instead of tying up that money in fixed assets. Profits from these investments can offset the cost of the lease. A business owner does not have to own an asset to make money using it!

2. Unlike bank loans, leasing requires a minimal down payment – usually only one or two payments. Leasing allows you to finance the cost of the equipment, installation, maintenance taxes, shipping charges, and software.

3. Leasing offers important tax benefits that reduce the cost of obtaining equipment. Depending on the type of lease, the lessee may be able to write off the entire monthly payment as an operating expense.

4. Leasing provides a new source of funds for present and future needs. Keep your bank credit intact for other needs like inventory, cash flow, or expansion

Visit BounceWave Inflatable Sales

Why Visit Us In Person?

Meet Your Dedicated Sales Representative in Person!

Upon request (with notice), we will blow up our inflatable products for you to view and inspect in person, allowing you to be hands-on with the product you are buying!

Learn more about Our Company, Our Products, and our facility on a more personal level! Nothing beats seeing things in person and having face-to-face interactions!

Save Money on Shipping and Pickup Your Order In Person! Our team of warehouse associates will help get you loaded up and back on the road efficiently, saving you time and money compared to shipping!